
Psoriasis Treatments NY - Dr. Robert Lichtenstein DC, CNS

Psoriasis Treatments NY - Dr. Robert Lichtenstein DC, CNS

Natural Remedies for Psoriasis by Board-Certified Nutritional Specialist via Telehealth and from Forest Hills, Nassau County NY 11375

Skin conditions are uncomfortable and can affect every part of life. The visible rashes and scars can cause embarrassment or even shame. Strangers, co-workers, and even loved ones often believe the problems relate to a lack of personal care or mistakenly believe a condition is contagious. Do not put off medical treatment for the itching, pain, and frustration of living with a skin condition.

Understanding Your Psoriasis

Most medical experts can diagnose psoriasis instantly because it causes a distinctive rash. Some people may have only a few small patches, and others may have a more widespread problem. The intense pain and itching, the frequency of flare-ups, and the success of traditional treatments will vary with every patient. In addition, the problem may go more than skin-deep, as some people with the skin disease could experience joint stiffness and pain from a condition known as psoriatic arthritis.

Psoriasis occurs when the immune system overreacts and mistakenly attacks healthy cells. Autoimmune diseases like these can begin after an illness, during stressful events, or with no apparent cause. The skin condition affects people of all ages, gender, and ethnicity.

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Choosing Natural Solutions for Psoriasis

Anyone researching psoriasis will do so because they are struggling to find a solution. If you have the condition, you are likely tired of trying to cover the patches. You feel frustrated with the distraction of the pain and itching. You want to find a solution that eliminates the problem and not just makes it a little less uncomfortable.

Healing requires people to understand their problem to learn how it began and how to solve it. No one should feel psoriasis is a life sentence. It is possible to overcome any autoimmune disease with the appropriate plan. Diet modification and the right combination of whole food supplements make it possible. Solutions like these allowed me to defeat my stage 4 cancer twice. As a Board-Certified Nutritional Specialist and a Chiropractor, I understand the importance of adapting treatments to meet the needs of each patient. I focus on finding and addressing the cause of the illness rather than treating the symptoms and allowing the disease to continue.

Read below to learn more about psoriasis symptoms and treatment options. Then, contact me to begin working on your personal healing plan. For your convenience, I offer Saturday and Sunday video and telehealth appointments for this purpose. Together we can find a way to give you the relief and the healthy skin you deserve.

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Patient Testimonial for Natural Remedies for Psoriasis by Board-Certified Nutritional Specialist via Telehealth and from Forest Hills NY 11375

Psoriasis Patient Testimonial

My psoriasis worsened no matter what I did. I used prescription creams, over-the-counter lotions, and at-home concoctions. Then, I tried phototherapy and oral medications. Unfortunately, any improvement lasted only a few weeks or months before the itching and pain began again.

Once I found Dr. Robert Lichtenstein, I realized that all my previous psoriasis treatments were meant to stop the symptoms. Relief was great, but it was when I corrected the cause that I was able to heal and stop worrying about another flare-up finally."

-D. Loring, Westchester NY

Symptoms of Psoriasis

Common symptoms exist, but people should not rely on only the following list to diagnose their skin condition. Discuss your concerns with a medical expert for a reliable diagnosis. Psoriasis can develop anywhere on the skin, affect the nails, or even develop as an inverse rash. Some of the most common symptoms include:

  • The rash appears as raised patches known as plaques
  • Small plaques often increase in size and connect with others to form larger plaques
  • Dry silvery-white skin (scales) may develop over the plaques
  • Intense itching during flare-ups
  • Plaques may become painful
  • Flat, red, and raw-looking patches that itch and hurt (inverse psoriasis)

Causes of Psoriasis 

Psoriasis occurs because of an overreaction of the immune system. Studies have detected triggers that lead to immune system dysfunction but not why it affects some people and not others. People with family members with psoriasis may have a greater risk of developing the condition. Triggers can vary between individuals, and they can change over time. Common triggers include:


  • Physical and mental stress
  • Illness, particularly strep throat or other infections
  • Skin injuries including sunburns, bug bites, and more
  • Cold, dry weather
  • Certain foods
  • Food and environmental allergies
  • Alcohol
  • Smoking or secondhand smoke
  • Certain medications (as side effects or suddenly ending their use)

Leaving Psoriasis Untreated


Psoriasis rarely goes away on its own. If left untreated, the condition will often become much worse. The intensity of the discomfort and the area covered with the rash can continue to increase. The inflammation in the body worsens and causes other concerns. Untreated psoriasis can put people at a higher risk of developing health problems like diabetes and psoriatic arthritis. In addition, constant itching can cause people to develop secondary infections due to injuries to the skin from scratching. These repeated infections can activate the immune system more and cause psoriasis to spread.

Contact Dr. Robert Lichtenstein for A Free Consultation to Find Your Psoriasis Natural Remedy

Contact Dr. Robert Lichtenstein for A Free Consultation to Find Your Psoriasis Natural Remedy

Psoriasis remedies that relieve the pain and itching and clear the skin are worth the effort. In addition, natural remedies correct the issues with the immune system to prevent a recurrence. Freedom for life from the rashes and better overall health are the goals of the treatment offered by Dr. Lichtenstein.

The doctor performs free phone consultations for new patients and video and phone treatment sessions from 8:00 AM to 9:00 PM on Saturdays and Sundays. Telehealth visits offer more privacy and accessibility for all patients.

In addition, virtual care saves patients money and allows everyone to get the advice and guidance they need for a solution for their health concerns. Schedule a free phone consultation today through the website.

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