Endocrine Disorder Treatments NY - Dr. Robert Lichtenstein DC, CNS

Endocrine Disorder Treatments NY - Dr. Robert Lichtenstein DC, CNS

Natural Remedies for Endocrine Disorders by Board-Certified Nutritional Specialist via Telehealth and from Forest Hills, Nassau County NY 11375

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) causes pain and deformity and can lead to disabilities severe enough to prevent people from earning a living. Every form of arthritis is concerning, but RA has more risks. The disease often begins in younger patients who experience disabling consequences years or even decades before retirement.

Understanding Rheumatoid Arthritis

RA begins when the immune system attacks the body rather than blocking invading germs. In the instance of RA, the attack occurs on the synovium or the lining of the joints. The disease causes inflammation and pain in the hands, knees, and ankles and can lead to more severe illnesses. The condition often strikes in middle age and is much more likely to occur in women and certain ethnic groups.

Most forms of arthritis affect the joints. RA affects the joint lining, so it is more like to cause excessive swelling and deformities in the joints. The condition causes inflammation throughout the body and damages much more than the joints.

Diet changes, high-end whole food, and herbal supplements, and lifestyle changes can provide natural remedies to balance hormone production. Regular exercise and getting enough sleep can help too. Does that sound like a vague solution? It is. Dr. Lichtenstein, functional medicine and Board-Certified Nutritional Specialist, can help you find YOUR exact natural solution to overcoming your Endocrine system illness.  Learn more by scheduling a free phone consultation.

List of Common Endocrine Disorders with Natural Remedies

Woman with symptoms of Addison's Disease on her face

Adrenal gland issues cause Addison's Disease. The adrenal gland produces the stress hormone cortisol, but people with Addison's do not make or release enough of the hormone necessary. The problem can begin because of an autoimmune disease or for other reasons. Symptoms include abdominal pain, weight loss, fatigue, and muscle weakness.

Woman with bulging eyes from Grave's Disease

Grave's disease is when the body overproduces thyroid hormones. The problem starts when antibodies in the body bind to the thyroid cell receptors. People with the condition may have sleep disorders, unexplained weight loss, rashes, eye inflammation, bulging eyes, and more. About 10 million Americans currently have this illness.

Woman rubbing her throat from Hashimoto's Disease discomfort

Hashimoto's Disease

Damage to the thyroid gland caused by attacks from the immune system causes the thyroid to slow the production of hormones. People with this condition may have many symptoms like fatigue, weight gain, and heavier than usual menstrual cycles. Other individuals may only discover the problem when they develop a goiter (a swollen thyroid). If left untreated, women with the condition may have symptoms that include fertility issues or complications with an existing pregnancy.

Doctor examining patients with Hyperthyroidism

When the hormone output from the thyroid is too high, it develops into hyperthyroidism. Grave's disease may trigger this illness, as can inflammation, nodules on the thyroid, iodine overexposure, and other triggers. Older women, people with diseases like diabetes, and those with a family history of hyperthyroidism have a higher risk of developing the disorder. Some symptoms of hyperthyroidism include intolerance to heat, fatigue, rapid heartbeat, and mood swings.

Female doctor exanimating patient with Hypothyroidism

An underactive thyroid causes hypothyroidism. Insufficient production of hormones can affect how the body uses energy and force all body functions to slow down. Genetics, pregnancy, and illnesses like celiac disease are some of the triggers of hypothyroidism. A partial list of symptoms includes weight gain, fatigue, cold intolerance, dry skin, and a slowed heart rate.

Woman having heat flashes from Menopause

Menopause is a natural and expected stage in the life of every woman. The ovaries are responsible for secreting the hormones needed for menstruation, pregnancy, and female development. Production of female hormones in the ovaries begins to decline in the mid-thirties for most women.

Eventually, the number of hormones released drops low enough to cause the body to end menstruation and fertility, usually when the woman reaches her early to mid-fifties. Problems in the endocrine system can allow women to enter menopause early or to have more severe physical reactions to the changes in their bodies.

Overweight man with Metabolic Syndrome checking his blood pressure

Metabolic Syndrome

Doctors look for specific health markers to determine metabolic syndrome. The diagnosis is not for an illness but a warning that severe health consequences may be imminent if changes do not occur. The health concerns that need to exist to determine metabolic syndrome include high blood sugar, hypertension, a large waist circumference, and high cholesterol or triglyceride levels. People can reverse these problems with lifestyle changes and avoid health problems like diabetes, stroke, and heart attack.

Woman breaking out on her face from Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

Women usually produce small amounts of male sex hormones (androgens). Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) occurs when the numbers produced by women become too high. It occurs when the body makes an insufficient amount of the female hormones needed for ovulation. The failure to ovulate can cause cysts to develop on the ovaries. The cysts can produce androgens that release into the body and cause health concerns. Some problems common with PCOS include irregular periods, enlarged ovaries, infertility, acne, excess body hair, and weight gain.

Senior woman checking her blood sugar because of Pre-Diabetes


Anyone diagnosed with pre-diabetes has the unique opportunity to make changes and prevent the development of the disease. Pre-diabetics have blood sugar levels that stay too high for good health but do not meet the guidelines for a diagnosis of diabetes. The condition occurs when the body does not produce enough insulin, and the body cannot transform the sugar in food into energy. The sugar remains in the bloodstream and causes the levels to rise.

Most people will not have symptoms of this condition, so experts recommend regular testing for people in higher risk categories. These patients include anyone over 45, those with a family history of Type 2 diabetes, people with sedentary lifestyles, and more.

Blood test for Thyroiditis


Thyroiditis covers all conditions that occur with inflammation of the thyroid. Swelling can cause the vital gland to produce and release incorrect levels of hormones. Grave's disease, hypothyroidism, and hyperthyroidism are examples of thyroiditis. Some of these conditions, like those caused by pregnancy or as a side effect of medication, will often correct themselves. Other problems require professional treatment to correct or control.

Contact Dr. Lichtenstein for a Free Consultation to Discover Your Natural Remedy for Endocrine Disorders

Contact Dr. Lichtenstein for a Free Consultation to Discover Your Natural Remedy for Endocrine Disorders

Do not ignore the symptoms of endocrine disorders. Most conditions will continue to worsen if people do not make necessary changes to restore good health. Dr. Robert Lichtenstein, a Board-Certified Nutritional Specialist (CNS) and Chiropractor, offers a natural and safe way to reverse the symptoms of endocrine disorders and boost overall health.

All appointments with the doctor occur as phone or video calls for the patient's convenience. Schedule a free telehealth consultation today from the website to learn more about endocrine disorders and to discuss your concerns.

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