
Menopause Treatments NY - Dr. Robert Lichtenstein DC, CNS

Menopause Treatments NY - Dr. Robert Lichtenstein DC, CNS

Natural Remedies for Menopause by Board-Certified Nutritional Specialist via Telehealth and from Forest Hills, Nassau County NY 11375

Medical concerns span much more than unexpected illnesses. Caring for the body also means managing normal transitions through life. The changes often involve reproductive health. Most women understand their future will include menopause.

Some welcome the opportunity to free themselves of a menstrual cycle, and others fear the side effects they may experience. All women will have surprises along the way, but assistance through the "change of life" can make everything easier.

Understanding Menopause

Though referred to as menopause, the stage that causes hot flashes and unpredictable periods is perimenopause. It is only after 12 months of no menstrual cycles that the woman officially enters menopause. The process lasts anywhere from a couple of years to as many as 14 years. The extent of the effects of this process is unique for every individual.

Menopause occurs as female hormone levels decline naturally as the woman ages. The drop in hormone production slows the activity of the ovaries until they no longer release eggs. Perimenopause can begin naturally when a woman reaches her 40s or 50s. The average age for American women is 51. Medical issues and other factors can cause early menopause.

Choosing Natural Remedies for Menopause

Most women in the United States never receive medical attention for the effects they experience. Many women grew up watching family members struggle through it alone and never considered the need or value of menopause treatments. Other people discover their doctors are unmotivated to offer much assistance, or what they receive only provides minimal improvement. Untreated menopausal symptoms can cause extreme physical and emotional pain and may increase other health risks.

Natural solutions offer a safer alternative to hormone therapy or the excessive use of pain relievers and other medications. Healthy diets emphasizing foods known for their anti-inflammatory qualities and supervised supplementation can provide relief and prepare the body for when menopause finally begins.

Dr. Robert Lichtenstein used a similar supplement and nutritional plan for his own needs when fighting stage 4 cancer. He overcame the disease twice by understanding how nutrition plays a role in health and immune system function. Dr. Lichtenstein is a Board-Certified Nutritional Specialist and a Chiropractor who takes an educated approach to natural healing. His experiences have encouraged him to share his knowledge with others who want to take control of their health.

Patient Testimonial for Natural Remedies for Menopause by Board-Certified Nutritional Specialist via Telehealth and from Forest Hills NY 11375

Menopause Patient Testimonial

I worked hard, raised my children, and saved money to spend the second half of my life enjoying my freedom. I finally made it, only to have everything put on hold because of the severity of my hot flashes, mood swings, and exhaustion.

I spent two years trying different therapies and never improved. Dr. Lichtenstein made me look at my health differently and offered solutions for my specific concerns instead of a generic treatment given to everyone. Now, I can do everything I've spent decades waiting to do.

-A. Sherman, Norwich, NY

Symptoms of Menopause

Perimenopause affects every woman differently. All women have some symptoms. Some women have all symptoms. The intensity and effect of each symptom can also vary. Women entering this phase need to know the potential range of things that may occur with their bodies. Knowledge can prevent women from feeling like they are crazy or exaggerating how bad they feel. The symptoms possible during perimenopause, and sometimes beyond, can include:

  • Irregular periods
  • Hot flashes and night sweats
  • Mood swings
  • Sore Breasts
  • Reduced libido
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Headaches
  • Tingling extremities
  • Burning mouth
  • Taste changes
  • Bloating and digestive changes
  • Fatigue
  • Joint pain and muscle pain
  • Electric shock sensations
  • Itchy skin
  • Sleep disorders
  • Brittle nails
  • Hair loss
  • Memory lapses and brain fog
  • Weight gain
  • Overactive bladder/stress incontinence
  • Dizziness
  • New allergies
  • Osteoporosis
  • Excess body odor
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Depression
  • Anxiety and panic attacks

Causes of Menopause

Menopause occurs naturally as the reproductive hormones decline. Surgery that involves removing the ovaries causes immediate menopause. Chemotherapy and radiation treatments may induce menopause, but the process may reverse after treatment ends. Premature or early menopause can occur in women with a condition known as ovarian insufficiency. Early menopause is when the woman begins perimenopause before the age of 40.

Potential Health Risks of Leaving Menopause Untreated

Nothing can stop or cure menopause, but medical treatment can reduce symptom severity and the risks of heart disease and cancer that increase as menopause begins. Without treatment, women can experience a severe inflammatory reaction from dropping estrogen levels. Inflammation often increases the loss of bone mass and makes women more susceptible to osteoporosis.

The risks of not treating menopausal symptoms extend beyond physical concerns but can also mean emotional and financial issues. Studies show women used more medical services for hot flashes if they were not receiving care for their menopause. The costs were double for women going untreated than for those medically managing their care. Women without medical guidance during menopause also reported feeling more depressed and anxious during the process.

Contact Dr. Robert Lichtenstein for a Free Consultation to Discover Your Menopausal Natural Remedy

Contact Dr. Robert Lichtenstein for a Free Consultation to Discover Your Menopausal Natural Remedy

Women may dismiss menopause as a natural process and choose not to get help for their symptoms. It is possible to choose natural menopause remedies that are affordable and free of side effects. Dr. Robert Lichtenstein wants to help people feel better and take control of their health Learn more through a convenient telehealth consultation with the doctor.

Virtual phone or video sessions keep your medical care private and allow you to have help in the comfort of your home. Choose from telehealth appointments available on Saturdays and Sundays from 9:00 AM to 8:00 PM. Schedule a free phone consultation through the website today. You can have the opportunity to discuss your symptoms with the doctor and learn more about what his plan offers.

Book Your Free Consultation!

Additional References

  • What Is Menopause? - National Institute on Aging 
  • Menopause - Office on Women's Health at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

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