Microbiome Disorder Treatments NY - Dr. Robert Lichtenstein DC, CNS

Microbiome Disorder Treatments NY - Dr. Robert Lichtenstein DC, CNS

Natural Remedies for Microbiome Disorders by Board-Certified Nutritional Specialist via Telehealth and from Forest Hills, Nassau County NY 11375

What is a Microbiome?

Microbiome refers to a large group of bacteria, fungi, and viruses that occupy an environment in and on the body. Good bacteria help our bodies digest food, regulate the immune system, protect the body from invasion of harmful bacteria, and produce vitamins vital to bodily function.

The human microbiome is much larger than many people realize. The bacterial cells in the body outnumber human cells by about 10 trillion. Together they weigh between 2-5 pounds, and their role in human health is also massive.

The large intestine holds most of the microbes and is collectively known as the gut microbiome. The gut microbiome includes beneficial and harmful bacteria that remain relatively stable throughout life but may vary due to age, health, diet, and other factors. If harmful bacteria begin to outnumber beneficial bacteria, the individual can experience health complications.

Gut microbiome disorders can be improved naturally with adjustments to diet, lifestyle, and highly specialized whole food supplements and herbal therapy that can restore balance to your microbiome. Please schedule a free phone consultation with me, and I'll be happy to review your current health situation and make recommends on how we can proceed to get you back on the path of good health and wellness.

List of Microbiome Diseases with Natural Remedies

Man with a Candida Infection on his tounge

Candida is the form of yeast most often causing infection. All yeast infections can cause discomfort and embarrassment, but invasive candidiasis is more severe. It can affect people internally, causing damage to the brain, blood, and heart. The condition occurs most often in hospital settings with patients who are already ill. Oral candidiasis causes white patches in the mouth and throat and can make swallowing uncomfortable. Candida also causes diaper rash on babies and red, painful skin rashes in areas where the skin remains damp, like skin folds.

Man with Diabetes Checking his blood sugar


Diabetes can shorten life expectancy and increase the risk of heart disease, stroke, and other medical complications. Millions of people in the United States have diabetes, and many others are pre-diabetic. Research shows the connection between an unhealthy gut and the risk of diabetes. Scientists have revealed that the gut microbiome plays a role in Type 1 diabetes, Type 2 diabetes, and gestational diabetes. As a result, nutritional changes and prebiotics and probiotics have become standard recommendations during diabetic treatment.

Woman with Eczema scratching her hands

Eczema is also known as dermatitis. The skin condition causes rashes, dry skin, and itching. Scratching the rash can cause additional inflammation, encourage the spread of the rash, and increase the intensity of the itching. The exact cause of eczema is unknown, but people with autoimmune disorders like asthma and allergies develop the rash more often than those without underlying illnesses. Eczema is not contagious and can occur during childhood or as an adult. The rashes usually appear on the hands and feet, behind the knees, and on the elbow interior.

Woman with Inflammation experiencing pain in her knees

The purpose of inflammation, when the body works correctly, is to allow the white blood cells to protect the body from infection. Acute inflammation is helpful because it lasts only until the risk ends. Chronic inflammation is damaging to the body. It may initially begin when needed but remains after the threat disappears.

This is because the white blood cells misidentify the cells in the body as a risk factor and attack them. People with chronic inflammation risk developing conditions like asthma, cancer, and heart disease. A healthy gut microbiome can lower the risk of chronic inflammation and boost the immune system for more effective healing.

Woman with Lyme Disease has the classic rash from a tick bite

Lyme disease occurs after a bite from an infected tick. It is a condition that causes many symptoms and can become debilitating to some people. Common complaints include muscle and joint aches, headaches, fever, and fatigue. Since the infection comes from two types of bacteria released during the bite, doctors have typically prescribed an antibiotic to treat the condition.

However, recent research shows a difference in gut microbiome in people who received Lyme disease treatment. The changes could explain why some patients continue to suffer from symptoms post-treatment. The results also show how microbiome health could contribute to the recovery of Lyme disease patients.

Parasite Infections

Parasite Infections

Americans often forget about parasitic infections because they have access to clean drinking water, federally regulated food sources, and reliable housing. Infections from parasites are more common in less developed nations but can happen anywhere.

In the US, parasitic infections affect about 12 million people and cause illnesses like chronic headaches, reduced lung function, epilepsy, and psychiatric conditions. Studies in Cameroon revealed the connection between an unhealthy gut and the occurrence and severity of the infections. Keeping the gut balanced can prevent some infections and heal others sooner.

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Weight Loss Management

Millions of dieters experience the frustration of doing everything right but never meeting weight loss goals. Research shows that many frustrated dieters were likely doing everything according to their plan but became sabotaged by their own gut. The gut microbiome balance can make dieting more efficient, but it can also resist weight loss. Changes in diet that alter the bacteria in the gut could be all people need to finally see the numbers on the scale work in their favor.

Woman with uncomfortable Yeast Infections

Yeast occurs naturally in the digestive system, vaginal area, and skin. The fungus plays a role in keeping the body healthy and balanced, but too much of the fungus causes infection. Vaginal yeast infections happen to about 75 percent of all women at least once in their life and usually occur between puberty and menopause. Many risk factors exist for developing yeast infections, but most commonly happen in women with a weakened immune system.

Contact Dr. Lichtenstein for a Free Consultation to Discover Your Natural Remedy for Microbiome Disorders

Contact Dr. Lichtenstein for a Free Consultation to Discover Your Natural Remedy for Microbiome Disorders

A healthy gut microbiome takes time and effort, but it is a worthwhile endeavor for those who improve their health. For example, Dr. Robert Lichtenstein used diet modification and supplements to heal himself when suffering from stage 4 cancer.

As a Board-Certified Nutritional Specialist (CNS) and a Chiropractor, he now offers the same level of care to his patients through his telehealth services. Schedule a consultation through the website to learn more about the possibilities these treatment options offer.

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